maandag 21 maart 2011

[Java] taking screenshots

Disclaimer: this is in fact not a tutorial written by me, Qkyrie. Instead, it was written by Vanquish from 


Using the Robot class you can capture portions of your screen. Supports the four main image formats (PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP) maybe more.

* Class By: Vanquish from HackForums.Net
* Date: March 19th/2011


import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import java.awt.*;

public class ScreenCapture
    private Robot provider;
    private Toolkit tools;
    private boolean deniedAccess;

    public ScreenCapture()
    { //initialize the fields
    provider = new Robot();
    tools = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
  } catch (AWTException ex) { deniedAccess = true; } //Permission denied for screen shots.

    //Capture image here
    private BufferedImage captureScreen(Rectangle bounds)
  return provider.createScreenCapture(bounds);

    //Writes the image to the HDD.
    private boolean writeImage(BufferedImage image, String filePath){
    String imgFormat = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase();
    ImageIO.write(image, imgFormat, new File(filePath));
    return true;
  } catch (IOException ex) { return false; }

    /* This is for another project of mine.
    public BufferedImage rawImage(int delay)
    return captureScreen(
    new Rectangle(tools.getScreenSize()));
  } catch (InterruptedException ex) { return null; }

  * Captures the entire screen.
  * @param   filePath    The path to save the image to.
  * @return  Returns true if the image was captured and saved, otherwize false.
    public boolean takeShot(String filePath)
  if (deniedAccess)  //permission check
    return false;
  return writeImage(captureScreen(
    new Rectangle(tools.getScreenSize())), filePath);

  * Captures an area of the screen from the orign of the monitor (upper left) to the specified width and height.
  * @param   width   The horizontal length of the image.
  * @param   height  The vertical    length of the image.
  * @param   filePath    The path to save the image to.
  * @return  Returns true if the image was captured and saved, otherwize false.
    public boolean takeShot(int width, int height, String filePath)
  if (deniedAccess)
    return false;
  return writeImage(captureScreen(
    new Rectangle(width, height)), filePath);

  * Captures an area of the screen within the specified bounds.
  * @param   bounds  The rectangle portion to the screen to capture.
  * @param   filePath    The path to save the image to.
  * @return  Returns true if the image was captured and saved, otherwize false.
    public boolean takeShot(Rectangle bounds, String filePath)
  if (deniedAccess)
    return false;
  return writeImage(captureScreen(bounds), filePath);
  * Captures an area of the screen from the specified x and y coordinates to the width and height.
  * @param   x   The x-coordinate of the bounds.
  * @param   y   The y-coordinate of the bounds.
  * @param   width   The horizontal length of the image.
  * @param   height  The vertical    length of the image.
  * @param   filePath    The path to save the image to.
  * @return  Returns true if the image was captured and saved, otherwize false.
    public boolean takeShot(int x, int y, int width, int height, String filePath)
  if (deniedAccess)
    return false;
  return writeImage(captureScreen(
    new Rectangle(x, y, width, height)), filePath);


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