zondag 20 maart 2011

EnQryptionTools - a java encryption suite

Hi everyone, Qkyrie here.

Some of you already heard me telling something about the tool I am developing. Well, today I'll be presenting you my development.

Encryption Tools - codename: md5tools

The tool I'm developing is actually an AIO encryption/decryption tool for the lazy people. It's expanding everyday, and I'll be releasing it soon.
A few functions I can already reveal:

Online Md5 checker

[Image: mainscreenz.png]

this will check if the inserted hash is available on several online databases.
I'm adding new databases each day. 

[Image: onlinecheck.png]

current databases are:
Check the program ;)

If you have some more online crackers you love to use, feel free to PM me or reply, I'll be happy to add them.

Offline cracker

[Image: offlinebrute.png]

Basically an offline cracker for hashes, which uses a wordlist. 
At this moment, it supports

  • MD2
  • MD4
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA2
  • SHA3
  • SHA5
  • Whirlpool
  • RipeMD128
  • RipeMD160

I developed this app in such a way, that it's very easy to implement new encryptions and encryptions in combination with salts. If you have any suggests, feel free to add here too.

Encode / Decode 

[Image: encodedecode.png]

This is basically not necessary, but I'll be adding some basic encryptions here. They sometimes get used, so why not add em right ;).

Encrypt/Decrypt files

[Image: encodedecode.png]

WordList Creater

This is actually something my friend is working on. It's a plugin to create your own wordlists. You'll have a choice of adding numbers/lowcase/capitals

If you have any tips, requests or feedback, feel free to reply or PM.

[Image: wordlistcreator.png]

The wordlist is functional now, but the problem is that it's, as expected, rather slow when dealing with lowercase+uppercase. It does its job, and if you have the time, just let it generate it ;)


if you want the downloadlink, you've got a few options. 

  1. find the alternative downloadlink on this blog. It's posted last month, and it's not hard to find at all.
  2. post here with some good comment
  3. tweet about this and mention me, I'll contact you with details afterwards
  4. mail

  • added more online dictionaries
  • added multitasking in fetching the dictionaries -> immediate/realtime results
  • added multitasking in the dictionary attack, words crack at 14k/s atm, which is very low actually. I'm looking for a solution, might just be bottlenecked by JVM.
  • Gave Beta phase to the community
  • Added reverse Sha1 lookup
  • Completely new gui
  • SHA2 encryptions + cracking
  • MD2 encryption + cracking
  • MD4 Encryption + cracking
  • ROT13 and String reverse function
  • SHA3
  • SHA5
  • Whirlpool
  • RipeMD128
  • RipeMD160


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