In this small tutorial, I'll give you some examples on how to use most of the collections in Java. I'm not going in too much detail, I'll just give a brief overview of some nice collections and why you should use them.
Here's the class diagram of the collections. I'll add a Map to that too, which the implementations HashMap and TreeMap, similar to the Set implementations.
This is the basic interface for Lists. I mainly use the ArrayList, there's of course also the LinkedList and Vector
List myList;
myList = new ArrayList(); //create an ArrayList
myList = new LinkedList(); //create a LinkedList
Now, we've got Set, with the extended class SortedSet.
HashSet would be an implementation of Set, and TreeSet one of SortedSet.
Just remember, TreeSet = Sorted
Set<String> mySet = new HashSet<String>(myList);
A Map might be very handy, if you want to store data with a key. For example, we could could store a class "Car" with the key "licensePlate". Or, idNumber, and personal data.
A SortedMap is sorted Interface which implements Set. An implementation of SortedMap would be TreeMap.
Remember, TreeMap = Sorted
Map<int, String> myMap = new HashMap<int,String>(); //int as key, String as value
myMap.put(1, "Qkyrie"); //put Qkyrie as value, with key 1
myMap.put(2, "Ben121");
myMap.put(3, "SB");
String myName = myMap.get(1) //would place "Qkyrie" in myName.
A propertiestable could come quite in handy when defining properties for a program. An example is given below.
//declare property
Properties table = new Properties();
//set properties
table.setProperty("color", "blue");
table.setProperty("programname, "Qryptonite");
//navigate through all properties with a set
Set<Object> keys = table.keySet();
for(Object key: keys)
table.getProperty((String) key);
Using Iterators is the best way for navigating through a collection.
some examples are given below:
Print a List Reversed
private void printReversedList(List<String> list)
ListIterator<String> iterator = list.listIterator( list.size() );
System.out.println("\nReversed List:");
while(iterator.hasPrevious() )
System.out.printf("%s", iterator.previous() );
Convert a List of Strings all to uppercase.
private void convertToUppercaseStrings(List<String> list)
ListIterator<String> iterator = list.ListIterator();
while( iterator.hasNext() )
String color =; //remember, if this wasn't a string -> downcast
iterator.set(color.toUpperCase() );
}//end while
}//end method
If you want some more examples on any collections or Arrays, feel free to ask.
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