vrijdag 10 december 2010

µTorrent - a quicky!

uTorrent explained
Hi guys, today I'll be showing you what torrents are and how to install and work with uTorrent</p>

What is the BitTorrent Protocol

Because it's probably easier to use an explanation that most of you should understand, I'll give you an extract of
wiki's explanation

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for
distributing large amounts of data. BitTorrent is one of the most
common protocols for transferring large files, and it has been
estimated that it accounts for approximately 27-55% of all Internet
traffic (depending on geographical location) as of February 2009.

BitTorrent protocol allows users to distribute large amounts of data
without putting the level of strain on their computers that would be
needed for standard Internet hosting. A standard host's servers can
easily be brought to a halt if extreme levels of simultaneous data flow
are reached. The protocol works as an alternative data distribution
method that makes even small computers (e.g. mobile phones) with low
bandwidth capable of participating in large data transfers.

So basically, it's an easy and fast way to share files


uTorrent is seen as one of the best programs for downloading programs through torrents. It certainly is the smallest one ;-)

Installation of uTorrent

First off, go to the uTorrent site and download the client, preferably the most new and stable one.

The installation is fairly easy. You just choose your language and press next a few times to leave everything at defaults values.

Configuration of uTorrent

Well, there isn't a lot you should be configuring for uTorrent. If you use the normal Windows firewall, it'll prompt you to block (deny) or accept the connection. Of course, we'll want to accept the connection. If you use another type of firewall, simply check what port you are using by pressing CTRL+P in the main screen. You then go to connection and remember or write down the port. Simply open the port in your firewall. Also make sure it's opened in your router too.

Optional Configuration: Upload rate!

Sometimes, you're restricted by an upload/download limit by your ISP. In that case, you'll not want to upload too much. You can simply reduce your uploading rate at the preferences screen.
So simply click CTRL+P. Then go to Bandwidth and put a relatively low number next to Maximum Upload Rate. In my example, it's 2

Using uTorrent to download a file

In my example, I thought I would download the new playmate calendar of 2010.

So, I just went to piratebay and downloaded my torrent. The file has a .torrent extension. (Piratebay? -> google it, it's one of the many torrentsites. If you needed a specific file, you can go to piratebay or mininova to download your file, which you can search with the help of their nifty searchboxes)

Always remember, the more seeders a torrentfile has, the faster it will download!

To open the file, I simply doubleclicked it, since I know uTorrent is the only software on my computer that can open torrents.

If it opens up with a question what to download, simply select the files you want and press next.
The file will download now, and you'll see on the mainscreen what is happening.

After the file is downloaded - read: had reached 100% - you can simply rightclick and click stop to stop uploading.


If you didn't understand parts of this tutorial, or you still have questions or comments, please, do not hesitate to comment!

If you however did comprehend everything, you can now proudly consider yourself:

A uTorrent User

Thats why I added in 3 userbars for you to use in your signatures

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