donderdag 16 december 2010

16-year old Dutch MasterCard DDoSer released!

By Qkyrie, Thursday 16th of December, 16:58

The 16-year old boy of "Zoetermeer", The Netherlands, also known as Jeroenz0r who helped attacking sites of MasterCard and Visa was released. Authorities said it wasn't necessary keeping him any longer in custody.
Jeroenz0r was one of the IRC-Operators in which several hacktivists prepared ddos-attacks on big company-websites. Last Wednesday, several big companies, such as Mastercard, were attacked and offline for some time. The "anonymous" group of hacktivists wanted to protest against the companies' actions to disable the donations for WikiLeaks. After being arrested, Jeroenz0r confessed.

Although he was released, the Dutch Team High Tech Crime is still investigating the DDoS attacks and its origins.

Last Friday, the was summoned. The judge decided to keep him in custody for 13 days, but because they didn't need him anymore, that timespan was shortened.

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